Mini Facelift

A mini facelift is a minimally invasive surgical procedure that can reverse early signs of aging to restore a youthful appearance. Mini facelifts eliminate sagging, loose skin, and deep creases in the midface with less discomfort and downtime than a traditional facelift.

Is Mini Facelift right for you ?

Pre and Post Operative Instructions

Facelifts are an excellent option for many patients experiencing facial sagging but still have some elasticity in the skin. This procedure is highly customizable to address specific concerns like sagging jowls and deep wrinkles. While the typical patient ranges from 35-55 years old, this procedure can be appropriate for many patients who want to rejuvenate their appearance. 

A mini facelift does not address upper or lower facial areas and may be combined with procedures like brow lifts, eyelid surgery, or neck lifts. During your initial consultation, your surgeon will provide a comprehensive exam and discuss your goals to understand if this procedure is correct for you.


Before the surgery

Barrett Plastic Surgery matches each patient with a concierge to guide them through the entire consultation process, which can be attended in person or virtually. During this consultation, the surgeon will learn the patient’s goals, answer any questions, and perform an examination to create the surgical plan. The surgical coordinator then walks the patient through each step of the preoperative process.

Preoperative preparation may include
Stop smoking
Fill prescriptions
Stop taking medications and supplements that exacerbate bleeding
Plan time away from work, childcare, and pet care for recovery.
Find a family member or friend to bring you home and assist you after surgery.

During the surgery

A mini facelift is a less invasive version of a traditional facelift. Small incisions are made in the hairline, around the upper portion of the ear, or encircling the earlobe. The underlying muscle and tissue will be repositioned through the opening, and excess, loose skin will be eliminated. To close the incisions, the surgeon uses a unique layered suturing technique that minimizes tension during the healing process and allows minimal scarring. 

Surgery duration
5 hours
Local or Twilight

After the surgery

Some facial swelling, numbness, and tightness are typical for the first week following a mini facelift. Your surgeon will provide detailed postoperative instructions and closely monitor your healing and recovery in the weeks and months following surgery. The results of a facelift can last for several years but cannot prevent the natural aging process. Additional procedures may be necessary to maintain results. 

4 days
Healing Time
6 weeks
Scar Management