The Pros and Cons of Breast Augmentation with Fat Transfer
The Natural Plastic Surgeon Blog

While many women choose to have implants for fuller breasts and improved cleavage, others simply like to have their breasts’ size enhanced naturally out of their own body tissue. If you want to enjoy your natural breasts with a modest increase in breast size but without the implants, breast augmentation with a fat transfer may be the procedure for you.
Breast augmentation is the top most common cosmetic surgery and has evolved in it’s advancement over the years. Many women believe implants are the only way to enhance their breasts, but that’s just only one option. The desire to have 100% natural and fuller breasts is no longer just a dream, but an actual reality!
Thanks to the fat transfer surgery and advanced technology available at our practice, we have witnessed breast augmentation with fat transfer to be one of the most minimally invasive and body-friendly cosmetic procedures.
Wondering about the positive and negatives of this procedure? Here is a list of pros and cons worth considering before you choose to undergo breast augmentation surgery with fat transfer.
Watch this video for an idea if you are a candidate for this procedure.
Dual Toning Procedure: Sculpt Your Body All Over!
Without a doubt, one of the most noticeable and facilitated advantages of fat augmentation surgery is the removal of unwanted fat from your body parts such as thighs, waist, hips, abdomen, etc. This great way of body contouring can minimize unwanted fat areas of your body by a few inches, leaving you more confident in your own skin.
Minimal Invasive Surgery
Unlike breast implant surgery, breast augmentation with fat transfer is a far less invasive procedure with smaller incisions (~ 4 mm). Additionally, it is an ideal choice if you have sagging boobs (grade 1 ptosis). Although it requires two procedures: liposuction and injecting the fat into the donor body, it provides easier recovery in less time.
Liposuction involves small incisions, resulting in minimum swelling, bruising, and scarring; you may feel a bit of discomfort post procedure as your body begins to heal itself.
The fat transfer surgery involves injecting fat into the breasts that leaves almost no scarring and results in quick and comfortable recovery.
Relatively Fewer Complications
Breast augmentation with a fat transfer has a better safety record and relatively fewer postoperative complications than breast implants.
Women with breast implants possess the risk of developing capsular contracture, breast implant illness, rupture, etc. These implant-related risks and the high-cost corrective surgeries can be avoided if you opt for a breast augmentation surgery with fat transfer.
Natural and fuller breasts
As compared to breast implants, breasts feel and look more natural as your own body’s fat is injected in you, and that’s why it’s also called “natural breast augmentation surgery with fat transfer.” If you don’t like the idea of putting anything foreign in your body and want to have natural and fuller breasts, then this procedure is an excellent option for you to consider. Dr. Barrett is an expert in this field and his patients are often looking for natural looking results. If you are interested in watching what goes on behind the scenes, look at this youtube playlist where Dr. Barrett walks you through the procedure in the operating room!

The limited increase in breast size
There may be limitations of an increase in breast size restricted to about one cup size. If you wish to achieve a significant change in breast volume and curvy cleavage, fat transfer surgery may not be a great option for you. This depends on the patient entirely, as some patient's have seen up to double their original breast size.
Not every candidate is an ideal candidate
You may not be a good candidate for liposuction if you are lean, because there isn’t enough adipose tissue to use in the fat transfer technique. Watch the video above to get an idea if you are a good candidate for this procedure.
Unpredictable fat survival results
A board-certified plastic surgeon carefully performs the procedure, ensuring the maximum fat survival rates when injected into the body. Typically, the survival of fat is about 50-70%, but depending on how everyone’s body reacts, some fat may be absorbed. This may result in less desirable enhancement, and you can end up needing more fat injections. For this, the procedure may need one or several repeats.
Additional Concerns
Unlike breast implants, sagging happens with age, considerable weight loss, pregnancy, etc., which can't be prevented after a fat transfer procedure.
What is the cost?
Since you are getting two procedures done in one, the overall cost may be more than an average breast implant surgery. Further cost may add up when choosing where you will be removing fat from anf how much liposuction is necessary for your result. Breast Augmentations can range anywhere from $8,000 to $17,000 depending on the goals of the patient. To get more accurate ballpark pricing, call us at (310) 398-2648.
Want to know more?
Are you interested in a fat transfer to breast procedure? Call us at (310) 398-2648 or fill out this virtual consultation form and we will reach out to you as soon as possible. We’re excited for you to take this next step!
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