Which is Better: Kybella or Neck Liposuction?
The Natural Plastic Surgeon Blog

Do you have fat under your jaw, commonly known as a “double chin,” even though your face is thin? In pictures, you try to hide it by sucking your tongue to the roof of your mouth. Or you’ve paid for every filter upgrade in your beauty app to contour, tighten, and firm the face, but it never looks quite right. And who wants to do that every time you take a selfie?
A better solution to consider is liposuction to the neck or Kybella®. If you’ve never heard of Kybella®, it’s the latest injectable that’s been available on the market for the past couple of years. So, let’s figure out which choice is the best treatment for you.
Kybella® is a newer injectable method for the neck or chin area to reduce the appearance of fullness. Sounds great, right? There’s a downside. It takes multiple times to achieve the results patients want. Repeat injections can be discouraging, especially when it can be up to five times before most people see a big difference. Another disadvantage, it hurts a lot, and the swelling is massive. It’s also expensive at around $1200 per treatment.
Now, let’s consider a simple micro liposuction procedure for the neck area.
What is Neck Liposuction?
Neck Liposuction removes submental fat accumulation from under your chin using an exceptionally fine cannula to break up the fat very precisely.
You can be awake or asleep during the procedure. It takes about 45 minutes, produces less swelling, and isn’t as painful as Kybella®. Another bonus, treatment is typically less expensive. The only drawback is the minimal amount of numbing medicine injected or a little bit of anesthesia. Typically, it’s better to have the procedure in the morning so you can relax for the rest of the day at home.
Because it’s a one-and-done procedure, it’s a lot better than going to the doctor’s office multiple times to get a painful neck injection that will swell you up like a bullfrog right before that important event you have to attend in person or virtually.
Are There Extra Options with Neck Lipo?
Do you need a chin implant for chin fullness to correct your neck? Does your neck look big? Many people assume they need neck lipo to get rid of the double chin when in reality they just don’t have a chin. How can you tell if this is the case? If your chin falls behind your lip line, chances are you have a slight bit of micrognathia (a tiny lower jaw). A little bit of a chin implant along with neck lipo will make an enormous difference in a single-hour procedure.
Scheduling Your Consultation
While choosing a surgeon, it’s safer to go with a board-certified plastic surgeon; even better is when the doctor is accredited to perform an injectable treatment. But newer doesn’t always mean superior. Unfortunately, Kybella® isn’t the “dream come true” option for reducing neck fullness or a double chin because it’s not as simple as it sounds. Liposuction is tried and true, and in Dr. Barrett’s opinion, “it’s just the easier better option.” Plus, he has more control over the outcome.
Are you interested in neck liposuction? Call us at (310) 398-2648 or fill out this virtual consultation form and we will reach out to you as soon as possible. We’re excited for you to take this next step!
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