Want Bigger Breasts Without Implants? Top 3 Reasons to Consider a Fat Transfer
The Natural Plastic Surgeon Blog

It may seem like it’s too good to be true, but there is a way to increase your breast size without having to undergo a traditional breast augmentation with implants. You may have heard of body-contouring surgical procedures like a Brazilian Butt Lift, which involves harvesting fat via liposuction and transferring it into the buttocks to enhance its size and shape, and wondered, “Can you transfer fat to breasts?” The answer is absolutely yes! Like every other surgical procedure, it’s important to weigh fat transfer to breast pros and cons before making such a major decision.
A fat transfer to the breasts, sometimes called a natural breast augmentation, a fat transfer breast augmentation, or fat grafting is a two-part process that takes excess, unwanted fat from one part of the body through liposuction and injects it into the breast to enhance their size and shape. The results can be more natural in look and feel than implants and it leaves no scarring on the breast. Plus, there are also the sculpting benefits that come with liposuction. It’s often chosen by women who want to enhance their breasts but are hesitant to undergo typical breast augmentation with implants because of the maintenance and risks associated.
Reason #1: Liposuction and fat transfer to the breasts is safe.
While overwhelmingly an extremely safe procedure, there are minimal risks involved, mostly in the liposuction part of the procedure, but generally can include, like all procedures, infection, and scarring, as well as loss of breast functionality (i.e. nipple sensitivity and loss of breastfeeding ability). Any time you do surgery on the breast you can potentially affect the functionality, though it’s important to note there’s no evidence that shows any loss of breastfeeding ability caused by a fat transfer breast augmentation.
Reason #2: You’re very likely to have an easy recovery
As with any surgical procedure, there is of course recovery time. However, the recovery from fat transfer to breasts is markedly less than with traditional breast augmentation with implants. Each patient and procedure is different, so each recovery will be different. Generally speaking, your liposuction recovery (and therefore your liposuction recovery time) is actually going to be more significant than the fat transfer recovery. You should give yourself about two weeks to recover: three days of solid downtime and relative downtime for the remainder of the two weeks. Some patients feel comfortable returning to work after five days, while others take longer, depending on the amount of liposuction. You may have some minor discomfort, swelling and bruising immediately after your natural breast augmentation, and should rest as much as possible to give your body time to heal, with the exception of some light walking to get the blood moving and prevent blood clots. In the weeks following, you may have leftover swelling and bruising in both the breasts and the area of your liposuction. You may be able to resume light physical activity around the two-week mark after your natural breast fat transfer, and you will most likely be able to return to your normal activity level and any swelling, bruising, and/or discomfort should be gone or minimal four to six weeks after.
Additionally, to ensure you have the best possible outcome, Dr. Barrett has curated a Breast Augmentation Recovery Kit to set his fat transfer breast augmentation patients up for surgical success with the least amount of down time and discomfort possible. He’s also created an Ultimate Recovery Surgery Kit as well as an Essentials Recovery Kit to give patients the most access to everything they may need to recover.
Reason #3: Your results will last.
You may have heard that your transferred fat is going to disappear, and the answer is yes, the fat transferred to your breasts is absolutely going to disappear—but that’s supposed to happen! As with all fat transfers, not all of your transferred fat cells will survive, but the ones that do are permanent. You can expect to lose anywhere from 20%-50% of the fat transferred, so your doctor will transfer more to compensate. This means that your final results, once your swelling has gone down, are your final results.
If you want to know if breast augmentation surgery with fat transfer is an ideal procedure for you, then call us at (310) 598-2648 or email us at patientcare@barrettplasticsurgery.com to learn more about pricing & book a consultation!
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