How Can I get Natural-Looking Breast Enhancement?
The Natural Plastic Surgeon Blog

Even if you’ve spent years longing for a fuller bust, the idea of having breast implants can be daunting. We’ve all seen it: that too-perky cleavage that evokes the image of a Barbie doll or overfilled balloons. Only a few can go for the Dolly Parton look and get away with it.
For many patients, achieving natural-looking results is a priority. They want to enhance their breast shape and size without looking fake, overdone or Dolly-fied. Fortunately, advances in surgical techniques have made it entirely possible to better your bust without anyone knowing it’s not the real deal. Dr. Daniel Barrett leverages his experience and skill to achieve beautiful, natural breast enhancement for women in Beverly Hills and beyond. Contact Barrett Plastic Surgery today to schedule your breast augmentation consultation.
Saline. Silicone. What’s the Difference and What Should You Choose?
There are two main types of implants: saline and silicone. While both options possess their benefits, there can be a particular drawback for one of them when natural results are your goal. Saline implants, which contain sterile saltwater, run the risk of producing a “rippling” effect in which the folds and wrinkles of the implant become visible on the skin. Very thin women with saline implants are especially prone to developing this problem. Rippling doesn’t feel or look like natural human tissue, making it a dead giveaway that someone has undergone surgical enhancement. Silicone breast implants tend to ripple less often than saline implants.
You Want ‘em to Feel Real.
There’s another reason you may not want to choose saline implants if you’re going for a natural result. While saline implants do come with their own benefits — they can be used in patients younger than 22, a smaller incision is needed to insert them and the saline can be absorbed safely by the body in the event of a rupture — they aren’t the best at matching the feel of natural breasts. Silicone implants contain a thick, cohesive gel that more accurately mimics the feel and movement of natural breast tissue. Although both types of implants can produce natural outcomes, many women who want their breast augmentation to fly under the radar feel that silicone implants are best.

Getting Into Shape
Breast implants come in two different shapes: round and teardrop. Round implants are symmetrical, meaning they won’t change shape when in different positions. They have a tendency to create more fullness in the upper portion of the breast which, in turn, creates fuller cleavage. For some women, this produces an unnatural look. Teardrop implants, known as anatomical implants, are more like the shape of a natural breast. They are thinner at the top and gradually expand at the bottom, which creates less fullness in the upper pole and more volume towards the nipple. This shape can produce the most natural-looking results, but natural results can also be achieved with round implants if the size is proportioned appropriately for your body and your existing breast tissue.
Small Frame, Big Frame — Which Implant Best Suits You?
There is no ideal implant — but there may be an ideal implant for you. Breast implants are manufactured in a vast range of sizes and profiles. Depending on your natural breasts and body type, the wrong implant could be conspicuous because it’s too wide, too tall or projects too far forward from your chest. For those with an athletic build or a more petite frame, smaller implants are more likely to produce a natural result. Implants that are too large for a patient’s body type look awkward and create an unnatural profile. On the other hand, women with a naturally larger frame do well with larger implants because they enhance the naturally curvy look.
In short: size matters. Despite the phrase, don’t go big or you’ll wish you stayed home.

What If I Don’t Want Breast Implants?
So you don’t want breast implants? But you do want bigger boobs?
Completely possible.
Fat transfer is becoming a popular alternative for those who desire natural-looking breast enhancement. This type of procedure involves taking a patient’s fat from another area of the body and injecting it into the breasts. Using liposuction, fat cells are harvested from an area of the body where there is excess fat (commonly the abdomen, thighs or flanks). The collected fat is then processed and injected into the breasts. Not only does using your own fat mean your breasts will look and feel just like your real body, it also means you get the benefit of body contouring along with breast augmentation. Fat transfer procedures leave no scars on the breasts and very minimal scars where the fat is harvested. Because you’re using your own tissue, there’s no risk for an allergic reaction and there is no medical device in your body that could develop complications and require replacement or removal at some point.
While fat transfer may sound like the ideal procedure for natural-looking breast enhancement, it’s not right for everyone. Fat transfer augmentation may not be the best option for women looking for a substantial change in breast size or slim women who don’t have sufficient excess fat spare.
That Person Who Does Your Surgery… They Kind of Matter.
And by “kind of,” we mean they really, really matter. The safety and the aesthetic outcome of a breast enhancement procedure depends a lot on the choice of plastic surgeon. First of all, your surgeon should be board-certified and have extensive experience performing breast surgery. They should also be able to demonstrate a track record of good results by displaying a before-and-after gallery, earning positive reviews online and having happy patients who are excited to give out referrals.
As a patient, you must feel confident that your surgeon is on your side and will be available to you no matter what. Remember, there are tons of options when it comes to breast augmentation, and you need to have an expert in your corner who can help you sort through them. Your surgeon should be thorough in helping you select the right breast enhancement procedure and, if you choose implants, helping you decide what’s going to fit your body well and give you the natural results you desire.
Yes. Natural-looking Breast Enhancement Is Possible.
Dr. Barrett is an accomplished surgeon in Beverly Hills who specializes in aesthetic and reconstructive surgery of the face and body. In addition to earning his board certification from the American Board of Plastic Surgery, he completed a six-year plastic and reconstructive surgery residency at Keck Hospital of USC alongside some of the best aesthetic surgeons in Southern California. Dr. Barrett is passionate about employing holistic approaches that produce aesthetically pleasing results and make breast enhancements appear natural.
Only those you tell need know you had a helping hand from your fairy god surgeon. As far as anyone else is concerned, you just woke up like this… flawless.

Dr. Barrett may be the surgeon you need to give your breasts the look you want. If you’re considering breast augmentation, we invite you to give us a call at (310) 598-2648 or to fill out our online form to schedule a consultation at our Beverly Hills office today!
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